Sunday, March 15, 2009

Self Reliance Training

Have been working too much to write and post regularly these days, so blogging has become one more thing for me to feel bad about not doing, filed alphabetically in the Guilt cabinet ahead of Cooking, Dishes and Laundry.

Fortunately, somebody forwarded me the following e-mail about a cool upcoming event in Chapel Hill. Supposedly, similar events are coming to Greensboro in May.
I think this will serve well for this week's entry.

Here goes -

In these tough times we all benefit from building skills that make our communities more self reliant. Many of us have never learned the skills that got our parents, grandparents and/or great grandparents through hard times. Knowledge around these skills and others still exists in our communities. We all have valuable skills, let's come together and share them with our community. Join us for a skill share hosted by Spence's Community Educational Farm on Saturday April 11.

Tentative Schedule:
10am-12pm Skill Sharing workshops\
12pm-1pm Lunch (BYO Bag lunch)
1pm-3pm Skill Sharing workshops

5pm-7pm Potluck dinner
7-late Bonfire, drumming, dancing

Potential topics include:
Partnership with Horses
Seed Saving
Poultry Processing
Basket Weaving
Small Engine Repair
Building Raised Beds
Foraging for wild edibles

Have a skill? If you are skilled in one or more of these areas or have another skill you'd be willing to share email me You don't need to be an expert, just willing to share.

If you'd like to attend Please RSVP to me at let me know if there is a particular skill you'd like to learn and we'll try our best to make sure it's represented.

The address for Spence's farm is: 6407 Millhouse RD Chapel Hill, NC 27516 googlemaps or mapquest will get you here.

Feel free to bring friends and forward this email to people you think might be interested.

I look forward to learning with you,
-Rob Jones

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a little horse riding farm right near my place.
