Friday, June 22, 2007

Solstice Celebration - Who are these men?

The Solstice Celebration at the Arboretum on Thursday was endlessly entertaining. First off, I saw this man, who said he was a reporter, interview these belly dancers. Take a look at his crotch. When I was a reporter, I made it a point to keep the sex toys on the inside of my clothes when I was interviewing people. Is this bottled water boner a 3-D Freudian slip? If you have to, click on the picture to enlarge it so you can truly appreciate the effect.

Aside from the fact that he was pointing at these girls with an object gripped in his crotch, I was unsettled when I heard him quote the Bible and ask them to give thier takes on that particular verse. I would have dashed into the woods were that me, but these girls seemed to respond with grace.

This guy here was the best thing about the whole event for me. Sorry we couldn't get a better photo. Click to enlarge this one, too - there's a can of Sprite on this guy's head, and he's dirty dancing with a belly dancer who's not visible. On top of the Sprite can, there's a little plastic cup turned upside down. He kept both perfectly balanced as he ground his way down to the ground and back up again, a total showoff. But I respect it all day long. I want Wyatt to take dance lessons from this character.

It was fun to see so many people dressed up in costumes enjoying themselves. I saw a lot of people there from totally separate arenas in my life, some of whom I never would have dreamed I'd see at something like this - where people blow bubbles and dress up in wings. I loved the drum circle Wyatt and I watched. Even if I couldn't hear it it would have been entertaining because the drummers were enjoying themselves so much.

I wish we could do this kind of thing more often. I don't think I've ever been to a city event that was so totally non-commercial, unpretentious, and lighthearted.

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